Getting to Know CWJC/CMJC

National Certification: Level 1 Prerequisite

Getting to Know CWJC/CMJC: Level 1 Prerequisite Training This self-guided course is designed for those who are planning to start a CWJC/CMJC site or have started a new role as a site coordinator in an existing site. This course is required for those going through Level 1 National Certification Training.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

    • Hearing the Story

  • 2

    Getting Started

    • Beginning Thoughts

    • Test Your Knowledge

  • 3

    Essentials and Foundational Components

    • Statement of Faith

    • Learn About CWJC/CMJC Sites

    • Reflection on What was Learned about Sites

    • Strengths Based Approach in Ministry

    • Strengths Based Approach in Ministry Reflection

    • Theology of Poverty

    • Strength-Based Perspective and Theology of Poverty Scenario

    • Strength Based Perspective and Theology of Poverty Reflection

    • 8 Key Elements

    • CWJC/CMJC Models

  • 4

    Involvement and starting a site

    • Impact for Volunteers

    • Starting a Site

  • 5

    What's Next?

    • Course Reflection

    • Resources

    • Course Evaluation