Course Description

CWJC/CMJC Mentor Training: Individual

This self-guided minicourse is designed to provide an overview of CWJC/CMJC. It includes unique content designed specifically for those serving as mentors at CWJC/CMJC site.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

    • Hearing the Story

  • 2

    CWJC/CMJC Overview

    • Test Your Knowledge

    • 8 Key Elements

  • 3

    Theology of Poverty and Strengths Based Perspective

    • Theology of Poverty

    • Strengths-Based Perspective

    • Mentoring Applied

  • 4

    Mentoring Basics

    • Boundaries

    • Stages of Change

    • Listening and Reflecting

    • Goal Planning

    • Listening and Reflecting Applied

  • 5


    • Recommended Readings

    • Course Evaluation